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Vocabulaire Anglais MĂ©dical en 171 Mots (Visite chez le mĂ©decin) 💉📖

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Aujourd’hui, je ne vais pas vous fatiguer avec des termes mĂ©dicaux compliquĂ©s et obscurs en anglais. Je vais seulement vous aider Ă  vous familiariser avec les mots mĂ©dicaux de base en anglais dont vous aurez besoin de connaĂźtre au cas oĂč – Dieu vous en prĂ©serve – vous vous retrouveriez Ă  l’hĂŽpital dans un autre pays. Pour naviguer dans le systĂšme de santĂ©, par exemple, au Royaume-Uni, vous aurez besoin de quelques notions de vocabulaire mĂ©dical de base. Il peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre utile de connaĂźtre suffisamment de vocabulaire en anglais pour discuter de problĂšmes de santĂ© dans d’autres circonstances.

Dans cet article, je vais vous présenter 171 mots de vocabulaire médical anglais essentiels qui vous aideront à naviguer dans le monde de la santé anglophone. Que vous soyez un étudiant en médecine, un voyageur averti ou simplement une personne qui va bientÎt passer son TOEIC, ces mots vous seront précieux.

Pour chaque mot je vous donne :

  • Le mot (en anglais),
  • sa dĂ©finition, en anglais Ă©galement,
  • une phrase d’exemple
  • et la traduction ou l’explication en français si la dĂ©finition anglaise ne vous a pas suffisamment Ă©clairĂ©.

Découvrons ensemble ces termes médicaux fondamentaux pour vous préparer à toute éventualité médicale dans un contexte anglophone.


Meaning: Not typical or usual; deviating from normal.

Example: The results of the test were abnormal, indicating a potential health issue.

En français: Anormal



Meaning: A continuous, dull pain.

Example: She had an ache in her lower back after lifting heavy objects.

En français: Douleur



Meaning: Having a sudden onset and severe symptoms.

Example: The patient experienced acute pain in their chest and had difficulty breathing.

En français: Aigu



Meaning: Having an allergy, a hypersensitivity to a substance.

Example: He is allergic to peanuts and must avoid any food containing them.

En français: Allergique



Meaning: A hypersensitive reaction to a specific substance.

Example: Her allergy to pollen causes sneezing and itchy eyes during the spring.

En français: Allergie



Meaning: A vehicle equipped for transporting injured or sick people to a hospital.

Example: The ambulance arrived quickly to attend to the accident victims.

En français: Ambulance



Meaning: Partial or complete loss of memory.

Example: After the accident, she suffered from temporary amnesia and couldn’t recall the events.

En français: Amnésie



Meaning: The surgical removal of a limb or part of a limb.

Example: The amputation of the gangrenous toe was necessary to prevent the infection from spreading.

En français: Amputation



Meaning: A condition characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin.

Example: Her fatigue and pale skin were symptoms of her anaemia.

En français: Anémie



Meaning: Having a reduced number of red blood cells or hemoglobin.

Example: The patient felt weak and dizzy due to being anaemic.

En français: Anémique



Meaning: A medical specialist responsible for administering anesthesia and monitoring patients during surgery.

Example: The anesthesiologist ensured that the patient was comfortably asleep before the surgery.

En français: Anesthésiologiste



Meaning: Medications used to treat bacterial infections.

Example: The doctor prescribed antibiotics to combat the bacterial infection.

En français: Antibiotiques



Meaning: A scheduled meeting with a healthcare professional.

Example: She had an appointment with her dentist at 2 PM.

En français: Rendez-vous



Meaning: Inflammation of one or more joints, causing pain and stiffness.

Example: Osteoarthritis is a common type of arthritis that affects the joints.

En français: Arthrite


Asthma (attack)

Meaning: A chronic respiratory condition characterized by wheezing and difficulty breathing, often triggered by asthma attacks.

Example: He had an asthma attack and needed to use his inhaler to relieve the symptoms.

En français: Asthme (crise)



Meaning: Microscopic organisms that can cause infections and diseases.

Example: The infection was caused by harmful bacteria.

En français: Bactéries



Meaning: A painful and potentially serious skin condition that develops from prolonged pressure on the skin.

Example: The nurse took measures to prevent bedsores in bedridden patients.

En français: Escarre



Meaning: Not cancerous or harmful; mild in nature.

Example: The tumor turned out to be benign and didn’t require aggressive treatment.

En français: Bénin



Meaning: The removal of a small sample of tissue for examination to diagnose or determine the nature of a disease.

Example: A biopsy of the skin lesion was performed to check for skin cancer.

En français: Biopsie


Blood count

Meaning: A laboratory test that measures the number and types of blood cells.

Example: The blood count showed a decrease in red blood cells, indicating anemia.

En français: Numération sanguine


Blood donor

Meaning: A person who voluntarily donates blood to be used for medical purposes.

Example: Many people regularly donate blood to help those in need.

En français: Donneur de sang


Blood pressure

Meaning: The force of blood against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps it around the body.

Example: High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

En français: Pression sanguine


Blood sample

Meaning: A small amount of blood collected for medical testing.

Example: The nurse took a blood sample to check for any abnormalities.

En français: Échantillon de sang



Meaning: An orthopedic device used to support or immobilize a part of the body.

Example: He wore a brace on his injured knee to help with the healing process.

En français: Attelle ou OrthÚse



Meaning: A childbirth position where the baby’s buttocks or feet are positioned to exit the birth canal first.

Example: The baby was in the breech position, requiring a Cesarean section delivery.

En français: SiÚge


Broken bone (fracture)

Meaning: A crack or break in a bone.

Example: The X-ray confirmed that he had a fracture in his leg bone.

En français: Fracture osseuse



Meaning: A discoloration of the skin caused by blood vessels breaking under the skin.

Example: She had a bruise on her arm from bumping into the table.

En français: Contusion


Bug (virus)

Meaning: A microscopic infectious agent that can cause illness.

Example: The flu is caused by a bug that spreads easily during the winter.

En français: Virus



Meaning: Injury to the skin or tissues caused by heat, chemicals, electricity, or radiation.

Example: She received a burn on her hand from touching a hot pan.

En français: Brûlure


Caesarean section / C-section

Meaning: A surgical procedure for delivering a baby through an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus.

Example: Due to complications, she had to undergo a Caesarean section to deliver her baby.

En français: Césarienne



Meaning: A group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.

Example: Early detection is crucial in the treatment of cancer.

En français: Cancer



Meaning: A medical specialist who diagnoses and treats heart diseases.

Example: After the heart attack, he was referred to a cardiologist for further evaluation.

En français: Cardiologue


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

Meaning: Emergency procedure that combines chest compressions and rescue breaths to restore circulation and breathing.

Example: She administered CPR to the unconscious person until help arrived.

En français: RĂ©animation cardio-pulmonaire (Voici d’ailleurs les gestes de premiers secours de la Croix rouge)



Meaning: A rigid protective covering, often made of plaster or fiberglass, used to immobilize and support a broken bone.

Example: He wore a cast on his arm to allow his broken bone to heal.

En français: Plùtre



Meaning: A small place of worship often found in hospitals.

Example: Patients and their families can find solace in the hospital’s chapel.

En français: Chapelle



Meaning: Treatment of cancer using drugs that target and destroy cancer cells.

Example: Chemotherapy is often used in combination with other treatments for cancer.

En français: Chimiothérapie



Meaning: A contagious viral infection characterized by an itchy rash.

Example: Children are often vaccinated against chickenpox to prevent the disease.

En français: Varicelle



Meaning: Persistent or long-lasting, often referring to a medical condition.

Example: His chronic pain required ongoing medical management.

En français: Chronique



Meaning: A common viral infection of the upper respiratory tract.

Example: Rest and fluids are recommended to recover from a cold.

En français: Rhume



Meaning: A medical professional responsible for determining the cause of death in certain cases.

Example: The coroner conducted an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

En français: Médecin légiste


Critical condition

Meaning: A medical state of extreme severity or danger.

Example: The patient was in critical condition and required immediate surgery.

En français: État critique



Meaning: Mobility aids used to assist individuals with leg injuries or disabilities.

Example: He used crutches to get around after breaking his leg.

En français: Béquilles



Meaning: A successful treatment that eliminates a disease or condition.

Example: There is currently no cure for the common cold.

En français: Guérison



Meaning: A sac-like pocket filled with fluid or other material.

Example: The cyst was surgically removed to prevent further complications.

En français: Kyste



Meaning: Unable to hear or having a significant hearing impairment.

Example: Sign language is often used by the deaf community to communicate.

En français: Sourd



Meaning: A lack or shortage of something, often referring to essential nutrients or substances in the body.

Example: Vitamin D deficiency can lead to weakened bones.

En français: Déficit



Meaning: Lacking adequate fluid in the body.

Example: After hours of exercise, he became dehydrated and needed to drink water.

En français: Déshydraté



Meaning: A decline in cognitive function, often associated with aging.

Example: Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that affects memory and reasoning.

En français: Démence



Meaning: A medical specialist who diagnoses and treats skin disorders.

Example: She consulted a dermatologist for her persistent skin rash.

En français: Dermatologue



Meaning: A chronic medical condition characterized by high blood sugar levels.

Example: People with diabetes need to monitor their blood sugar levels regularly.

En français: DiabÚte



Meaning: The identification of a medical condition based on its symptoms and test results.

Example: The doctor made a diagnosis of pneumonia based on the chest X-ray.

En français: Diagnostic



Meaning: A feeling of physical or emotional unease.

Example: The discomfort in her stomach led her to seek medical attention.

En français: Inconfort



Meaning: A pathological condition that impairs normal functioning of the body.

Example: Heart disease is a leading cause of mortality worldwide.

En français: Maladie



Meaning: A bone or joint that has been displaced from its normal position.

Example: She dislocated her shoulder while playing sports.

En français: Luxé


Doctor (MD)

Meaning: A medical professional with a Doctor of Medicine degree.

Example: The doctor explained the treatment options to the patient.

En français: Médecin



Meaning: The prescribed amount and frequency of a medication.

Example: Take the medication as directed, following the recommended dosage.

En français: Posologie



Meaning: A sudden and often serious situation requiring immediate action.

Example: They rushed to the hospital’s emergency department after the accident.

En français: Urgence


Emergency Room (ER)

Meaning: A medical facility that provides immediate care for acute medical conditions.

Example: The patient was taken to the ER after experiencing chest pain.

En français: Service des urgences



Meaning: A formal assessment or evaluation of a patient’s condition.

Example: The doctor conducted a thorough physical exam of the patient.

En français: Examen



Meaning: Located on the outside or outer surface.

Example: The external wound required cleaning and bandaging.

En français: Externe


False negative

Meaning: A test result that incorrectly indicates the absence of a condition or disease when it is present.

Example: The false negative on the initial test led to further evaluation.

En français: Faux négatif


Family doctor

Meaning: A primary care physician who provides ongoing medical care to individuals and families.

Example: Her family doctor has been taking care of her health for many years.

En français: Médecin de famille


Family history

Meaning: Information about the health conditions and diseases that run in a person’s family.

Example: Knowing her family history helped the doctor assess her risk factors.

En français: Antécédents familiaux



Meaning: Resulting in death.

Example: The car accident had a fatal outcome for the driver.

En français: Fatal



Meaning: Elevated body temperature, often a sign of illness.

Example: A high fever accompanied her flu symptoms.

En français: FiÚvre



Meaning: Having a fever or fever-like symptoms.

Example: He felt feverish and weak, so he stayed in bed.

En français: Fiévreux


Flu (influenza)

Meaning: A contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses.

Example: His symptoms, including a high fever and body aches, were indicative of a severe case of the flu.

En français: Grippe (influenza)



Meaning: A break or crack in a bone.

Example: The fracture in his wrist required a cast for healing.

En français: Fracture



Meaning: Having a bone that is broken or cracked.

Example: The X-ray confirmed that he had a fractured rib.

En français: Fracturé



Meaning: A medical specialist who diagnoses and treats disorders of the digestive system.

Example: If you have digestive issues, you should see a gastroenterologist.

En français: Gastro-entérologue



Meaning: Relating to genes, heredity, or inherited characteristics.

Example: Some diseases have a genetic component passed down through families.

En français: Génétique



Meaning: A microorganism, typically bacteria or viruses, that can cause disease.

Example: Washing your hands helps prevent the spread of germs.

En français: Germe



Meaning: The process of increasing in size or developing.

Example: Proper nutrition is important for the healthy growth of children.

En français: Croissance



Meaning: A medical specialist who focuses on the female reproductive system.

Example: Women should see a gynaecologist for routine check-ups.

En français: Gynécologue



Meaning: To recover from an injury or illness; to become healthy again.

Example: With time and rest, the wound will heal.

En français: Guérir


Heart attack

Meaning: A sudden and severe interruption of blood flow to the heart.

Example: He experienced chest pain during the heart attack.

En français: Crise cardiaque



Meaning: Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which can lead to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Example: HIV can be managed with antiretroviral therapy.

En français: VIH (Virus de l’immunodĂ©ficience humaine)



Meaning: Raised, itchy welts on the skin, often caused by an allergic reaction.

Example: She developed hives after eating seafood, indicating an allergy.

En français: Urticaire



Meaning: A healthcare facility where medical treatment and care are provided.

Example: The hospital has a team of dedicated healthcare professionals.

En français: HÎpital



Meaning: High blood pressure, a condition that can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Example: Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help manage hypertension.

En français: Hypertension artérielle



Meaning: Suffering from a physical or mental illness.

Example: She felt ill and decided to stay home from work.

En français: Malade



Meaning: A state of being physically or mentally unwell.

Example: The flu is a common illness during the winter months.

En français: Maladie


Immune system

Meaning: The body’s defense mechanism against infections and diseases.

Example: A strong immune system helps protect the body from illnesses.

En français: SystÚme immunitaire



Meaning: The process of making a person immune to a specific disease through vaccination.

Example: Childhood immunizations are essential to prevent diseases.

En français: Vaccination



Meaning: To make a person immune to a disease through vaccination.

Example: It’s important to immunize children against preventable diseases.

En français: Immuniser



Meaning: A surgical cut made into the body, typically with a scalpel.

Example: The surgeon made a small incision to access the internal organ.

En français: Incision



Meaning: Not providing a definite result or conclusion.

Example: The test results were inconclusive, requiring further evaluation.

En français: Non concluant



Meaning: A very young child, typically under the age of one year.

Example: Infants require special care and attention from their parents.

En français: Bébé



Meaning: Contaminated with a harmful microorganism, such as bacteria or viruses.

Example: The wound became infected, causing redness and swelling.

En français: Infecté



Meaning: The invasion and multiplication of harmful microorganisms in the body.

Example: Antibiotics are often prescribed to treat bacterial infections.

En français: Infection



Meaning: Red, swollen, and painful due to inflammation.

Example: The inflamed joint was a sign of arthritis.

En français: Enflammé



Meaning: Physical harm or damage to the body.

Example: She sustained an injury while playing sports and needed medical attention.

En français: Blessure


Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Meaning: A specialized medical unit for critically ill patients requiring intensive medical care.

Example: The patient was transferred to the ICU for close monitoring.

En français: Unité de soins intensifs



Meaning: Located on the inside or within the body.

Example: The internal organs include the heart, lungs, and liver.

En français: Interne



Meaning: Having a sensation that causes a desire to scratch.

Example: The itchy rash was irritating and uncomfortable.

En français: Qui gratte



Meaning: Intravenous, a method of delivering fluids or medications directly into the bloodstream through a needle or catheter.

Example: The patient received antibiotics through an IV.

En français: Intraveineux


Lab (laboratory)

Meaning: A facility equipped for scientific research, experimentation, or medical testing.

Example: The lab analyzed the blood samples for abnormalities.

En français: Laboratoire


Lab results

Meaning: The findings and data obtained from medical tests conducted in a laboratory.

Example: The doctor reviewed the lab results to make a diagnosis.

En français: Résultats de laboratoire


Life support

Meaning: Medical interventions and equipment that sustain vital bodily functions.

Example: The patient was placed on life support to maintain breathing and circulation.

En français: Appareil de maintien en vie



Meaning: Posing a severe risk to a person’s life.

Example: Severe allergic reactions can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

En français: Mettant la vie en danger



Meaning: Feeling dizzy or faint, often due to a drop in blood pressure.

Example: She stood up too quickly and felt light-headed.

En français: Étourdi



Meaning: Cancerous; tending to invade and harm surrounding tissues.

Example: The malignant tumor required aggressive treatment.

En français: Maligne


Medical school

Meaning: A higher education institution where students train to become doctors.

Example: After completing medical school, he pursued a career in surgery.

En français: École de mĂ©decine



Meaning: A baby in the earliest stage of life, typically within the first few weeks.

Example: Newborns require frequent feedings and diaper changes.

En français: Nouveau-né



Meaning: Lacking sensation or feeling.

Example: Her fingers became numb from exposure to the cold.

En français: Engourdi



Meaning: A healthcare professional who provides patient care and assistance.

Example: The nurse administered medication and monitored the patient’s vital signs.

En français: Infirmier/infirmiÚre


Operate on

Meaning: To perform surgery on a patient.

Example: The surgeon will operate on the patient’s damaged knee.

En français: Opérer


Operating Room (OR)

Meaning: A specially equipped room where surgical procedures are performed.

Example: The surgical team prepared the operating room for the procedure.

En français: Salle d’opĂ©ration



Meaning: A surgical procedure performed to treat a medical condition.

Example: The successful operation removed the tumor from her lung.

En français: Opération



Meaning: A medical specialist who diagnoses and treats eye disorders.

Example: She visited the ophthalmologist for an eye exam and new glasses.

En français: Ophtalmologiste



Meaning: A medical specialist who diagnoses and treats musculoskeletal conditions.

Example: The orthopedist recommended physical therapy for the knee injury.

En français: Orthopédiste



Meaning: A medical specialist who provides healthcare for children.

Example: The paediatrician monitors the growth and development of infants and children.

En français: Pédiatre



Meaning: Unpleasant physical or emotional sensation.

Example: He experienced severe pain in his lower back.

En français: Douleur


Painkiller/pain reliever

Meaning: Medication used to reduce or alleviate pain.

Example: She took a painkiller to relieve her headache.

En français: Antidouleur



Meaning: Unable to move or control certain muscles due to injury or illness.

Example: The accident left him paralyzed from the waist down.

En français: Paralysé



Meaning: A person receiving medical care or treatment.

Example: The patient was discharged from the hospital after recovery.

En français: Patient



Meaning: A healthcare professional who dispenses medications and provides drug information.

Example: The pharmacist explained how to take the prescribed medication.

En français: Pharmacien ou Pharmacienne


Pharmacy / drugstore

Meaning: A facility where medications and medical supplies are dispensed.

Example: She picked up her prescription at the pharmacy.

En français: Pharmacie



Meaning: A medical doctor who provides primary care and diagnoses and treats illnesses.

Example: The physician conducted a thorough examination of the patient.

En français: Médecin



Meaning: A substance that can cause harm or death when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed.

Example: If ingested, this chemical can be a deadly poison.

En français: Poison



Meaning: Capable of causing harm or death when consumed or touched.

Example: Some plants are poisonous if ingested.

En français: Toxique


Pregnancy Center / Pregnancy resource center

Meaning: A facility that provides medical care and support to pregnant women.

Example: She visited the pregnancy center for prenatal care.

En français: Centre de grossesse



Meaning: Relating to the period before birth, especially during pregnancy.

Example: Prenatal vitamins are recommended for expectant mothers.

En français: Prénatal



Meaning: To authorize the use of a specific medication or treatment.

Example: The doctor will prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.

En français: Prescrire



Meaning: A written order from a healthcare provider for medication or treatment.

Example: She filled her prescription at the pharmacy.

En français: Ordonnance



Meaning: Energy emitted in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves.

Example: Radiation therapy is used to treat cancer.

En français: Radiation



Meaning: A treatment or solution for a medical condition or problem.

Example: Honey is a natural remedy for soothing a sore throat.

En français: RemÚde



Meaning: A physician or healthcare provider undergoing specialized training in a medical facility.

Example: The resident assisted the attending physician in the surgery.

En français: Résident


Routine check-up

Meaning: A regular medical examination to assess overall health.

Example: She scheduled a routine check-up with her family doctor.

En français: Examen de routine


Scrub up

Meaning: The process of thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting hands and forearms before surgery.

Example: Surgeons scrub up before entering the operating room.

En français: Se laver soigneusement



Meaning: Specialized clothing worn by healthcare professionals, typically in clinical settings.

Example: Nurses often wear scrubs while working in hospitals.

En français: Tenue médicale


Second opinion

Meaning: Seeking the advice of another healthcare provider to confirm or reevaluate a diagnosis or treatment plan.

Example: She decided to get a second opinion before undergoing surgery.

En français: DeuxiÚme avis médical



Meaning: Sudden, uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain, often resulting in loss of consciousness and convulsions.

Example: He experienced a seizure and was taken to the hospital.

En français: Crise



Meaning: A life-threatening medical condition characterized by inadequate blood flow to vital organs.

Example: The patient went into shock after a severe injury.

En français: Choc



Meaning: The state of being unwell or experiencing a health condition.

Example: Motion sickness can occur during long car rides.

En français: Maladie


Side effects

Meaning: Unintended, often undesirable effects of a medication or treatment.

Example: Some medications may have side effects, such as drowsiness.

En français: Effets secondaires



Meaning: Painful or tender, often due to injury or infection.

Example: Her sore throat made it difficult to swallow.

En français: Douloureux



Meaning: A sudden and involuntary muscle contraction or twitch.

Example: Muscle spasms in her leg caused discomfort.

En français: Spasme



Meaning: A healthcare provider with expertise in a specific area of medicine.

Example: The rheumatologist is a specialist in treating joint disorders.

En français: Spécialiste



Meaning: A stretch or tear in a ligament, often due to injury.

Example: He suffered a sprain in his ankle while playing sports.

En français: Entorse


Stable condition

Meaning: A medical state in which a patient’s condition is not deteriorating.

Example: The patient remains in stable condition after surgery.

En français: État stable



Meaning: A painful, sharp sensation typically caused by the injection of venom or a stinger.

Example: The bee sting caused swelling and redness.

En français: Piqûre



Meaning: Mental or emotional strain often resulting from challenging situations.

Example: Chronic stress can have negative effects on one’s health.

En français: Stress



Meaning: A medical doctor who performs surgical procedures.

Example: The surgeon successfully removed the tumor during the operation.

En français: Chirurgien ou Chirurgienne



Meaning: Enlarged or puffy, often due to inflammation or fluid retention.

Example: Her swollen ankle required ice and elevation.

En français: Enflé



Meaning: Physical or mental manifestations of a medical condition.

Example: Common flu symptoms include fever, cough, and fatigue.

En français: SymptÎmes



Meaning: A medical instrument used to inject or withdraw fluids from the body.

Example: The nurse used a syringe to administer the vaccine.

En français: Seringue



Meaning: A measurement of how hot or cold something is, often referring to body temperature.

Example: Her body temperature was slightly elevated due to the fever.

En français: Température



Meaning: Sensitive to touch or pressure, often due to injury or inflammation.

Example: The tender area on his arm was bruised.

En français: Sensible



Meaning: Referring to an advanced or incurable stage of a disease with a poor prognosis.

Example: The patient’s cancer had reached a terminal stage.

En français: Terminal


Test results

Meaning: The findings and data obtained from medical tests and examinations.

Example: The doctor discussed the test results with the patient.

En français: Résultats des tests



Meaning: A healthcare professional who provides therapeutic treatments and interventions.

Example: The physical therapist helped the patient regain mobility.

En français: Thérapeute



Meaning: Treatment or intervention aimed at improving a person’s physical or mental health.

Example: Cognitive-behavioral therapy is often used to treat anxiety.

En français: Thérapie



Meaning: The surgical procedure of replacing an organ or tissue with a donor organ or tissue.

Example: He received a kidney transplant from his sister.

En français: Greffe



Meaning: A medical specialist who focuses on the treatment of injuries and trauma.

Example: The traumatologist treated the patient’s severe injuries.

En français: Traumatologue



Meaning: To provide medical care or therapy for an illness or condition.

Example: Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections.

En français: Traiter



Meaning: A medical imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to visualize internal structures.

Example: An ultrasound was performed to monitor the baby’s development.

En français: Échographie


Umbilical cord

Meaning: A flexible cord that connects a developing fetus to the placenta during pregnancy.

Example: The doctor clamped and cut the umbilical cord after delivery.

En français: Cordon ombilical



Meaning: Not awake or aware; in a state of unconsciousness.

Example: The patient was unconscious after the accident.

En français: Inconscient


Urine sample

Meaning: A specimen of a person’s urine collected for medical testing.

Example: The doctor requested a urine sample for analysis.

En français: Échantillon d’urine



Meaning: A medical specialist who diagnoses and treats disorders of the urinary tract and male reproductive system.

Example: He consulted a urologist for issues related to kidney stones.

En français: Urologue



Meaning: A blood vessel that carries blood toward the heart.

Example: The nurse inserted the needle into the patient’s vein for the IV.

En français: Veine



Meaning: A microorganism that can cause infections and diseases.

Example: The flu is caused by the influenza virus.

En français: Virus


Visiting hours

Meaning: The designated hours during which visitors are allowed to see patients in a hospital.

Example: Visiting hours are from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

En français: Heures de visite



Meaning: To eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth; also known as « throw up. »

Example: She felt nauseous and had to vomit.

En français: Vomir



Meaning: A section or area of a hospital where patients are housed and receive care.

Example: The pediatric ward is dedicated to children’s healthcare.

En français: Service hospitalier



Meaning: A mobile chair with wheels used by individuals who have difficulty walking.

Example: He relies on a wheelchair for mobility.

En français: Fauteuil roulant



Meaning: An injury to the body’s skin or underlying tissues.

Example: The wound was cleaned and stitched by the doctor.

En français: Blessure



Meaning: Injured as a result of a traumatic event.

Example: The wounded soldiers were evacuated from the battlefield.

En français: Blessé



Meaning: A medical imaging technique that uses radiation to create images of the inside of the body.

Example: An X-ray revealed a fracture in the patient’s arm.

En français: Radiographie


En conclusion, la maĂźtrise de ces 171 mots de vocabulaire mĂ©dical anglais essentiels vous ouvre les portes de la comprĂ©hension et de la communication dans le domaine de la santĂ© en anglais. Que ce soit pour des voyages, des Ă©tudes mĂ©dicales, ou simplement pour passer votre TOEIC, ces termes vous seront prĂ©cieux. Ils constituent une base solide pour naviguer dans le systĂšme de santĂ© anglophone et pour ĂȘtre prĂ©parĂ© Ă  toute situation mĂ©dicale imprĂ©vue Ă  l’Ă©tranger.

Et en complĂ©ment : Vocabulaire Anglais du Dentiste en 47 Mots (Visite chez le dentiste) đŸ˜ŹđŸŠ· et Vocabulaire du Laboratoire en Anglais en 65 mots đŸ§Ș


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